My ressources

to be honest i don't remember exactly wich one i used, but here are the websites i saved while looking for stuff

Description de l'image Buttons and pixels Pixels Dividers, png, gif... Pixels Pixels Pixels, buttons, stamps Tinkerbell mouse effect Pixels, stamps, pngs, gifs Blinkies, stamps, buttons Pixels, stamps, blinkies, buttons Pixels, buttons Stamps Pixels Buttons, stamps, blinkies GIF pet Code scroll box GIF pet yokai for codes and pixels FlipBox Button maker i also found a lot of stuff on pinterest without checking the source Description de l'image

Here's the websites i took inspiration from (i hope i'll get as good as theirs lol)

Getcubed Bryce Inkcaps Pomelo Burgeritchi Pastelhello Swiftyshq Meowbark2000 Droidgirl Description de l'image